Goods and Service Tax (GST)

Goods and Service Tax


Goods & services tax, referred to as GST., was introduced in India in July 2017. Businesses are required to pay Goods and Service Taxes, and it is better to learn more about them to save on GST than to pay a bucket load in GST due to ignorance.

However, GST has removed many confusing practices regarding collecting tax on goods and services. Therefore, it is always important to calculate GST accurately for your business to avoid paying too much tax or making GST mistakes that negatively reflect on your business.

Ansari Corporate is here to assist you by providing you with information about the basics of GST that every business owner or individual should be familiar with.

Goods and Service Tax (GST)


GST is a tax collected by the Central and different State Governments on various goods and services. Therefore, every product or service sold or purchased has its own GST charge to be paid to the Government

People in business with annual revenue of more than Rs. Twenty lakhs or Rs. 40 lakhs (for supplying goods) must register their enterprises with the GST authorities. Failure to comply will result in fines and imprisonment.

The GST registration form can be completed online through the government portal, but it is imperative to provide complete and accurate tax information.

A tax registration that complies with GST Should follow some set of rules:

  • Records

    • Maintaining your files is crucial
    • Input documents and GST invoices should be kept in the correct order
    • Administrating GST returns before their due date is an art
    • There should be periodic reconciliations
  • Cash flow

    • Prepare GST invoices and collect them before the GST payment date.
    • Invoices taxable under GST should be prepared at month-end.

Annual Return Filing

  • All businesses must file a GST return annually, and their monthly/quarterly GST returns.
  • Multiple GST returns have been reduced to eight to simplify the filing process during a single fiscal year starting in January 2021.

Benefits of GST Registration in India

  • An error-free system

    • Error-free returns with no clerical errors
    • Clients of Ansari Corporate are recommended/suggested tax savings plans & products.
  • Regulations

    • Compliance with GST safeguards your business
    • Businesses that comply with GST are eligible for business loans
    • Government Loans Are Available For GST Compliances
    • As a result, customers are aware of your GST compliance, and business relationships will be good
  • Save Taxes

    • Avoid penalties
    • GST Offers Many Benefits to Business People. However, the input tax credit is only applied to GST collected from customers.
    • A Non-Compliance-Free Business
    • Staying Away From Late Fees And Penalties

How Ansari Corporate can help

  • Getting started with GST

    • Train you to handle GST documents, input documents, and invoices
    • For instance, you can conduct a product analysis to determine if the product is restricted from sale in India.
  • Observing regular compliance

    • Avoid penalties by paying GST on time
    • Making your tax return on time
    • A 100 percent accurate filing system
    • For the client's approval, a draft GST computation is sent
    • GST must be filed only after your confirmation
  • The GST reconciliation

    • Keep track of eligible ITCs and prepare GSTR 2A reconciliations frequently.

Contact Ansari Corporate for a free consultation if you wish to learn more about GST for your business. We are happy to help!

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